What are LIPs?
The Ridge Meadows Katzie Local Immigration Partnership (LIP) is a consortium made up of senior decision-makers representing business, health, libraries, culture, faith, local and provincial governments, parks and recreation, policing, banking and community and immigrant serving organizations.
Together these representatives plan and lead activities that aim to ensure the region is prepared to welcome and include new immigrants and support their successful settlement and integration.
I Want To
Vision & Mission
We envision Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows, and Katzie to be vibrant, welcoming, and inclusive communities.
The Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows, and Katzie Local Immigration Partnership (LIP) promotes the improvement of social and economic outcomes for newcomers to this community. LIP is made up of a working committee of settlement service organizations; employers; educators; community stakeholders and newcomers.

Immigrant Success Stories
So many amazing new immigrants are moving into our communities and so many wonderful people ready and willing to assist them settle and help them make our region their new home.