Building Interfaith Bridges Projects

Building Interfaith Bridges is a community committee of faith-based leaders that have been meeting for over five years, providing community dialogues and workshops. Building Interfaith Bridges Committee accepted the LIPs Council’s request to formally become a working group under our initiative to promote the anti-discrimination and racism mandate that we would like our municipalities to adopt and incorporate into future planning and policy development for newcomers. By becoming a formal working group under LIPs, they will increase their capacity to fully engage all community members through coordinated, comprehensive and strategic approaches supported by our LIPs mandate and member agencies and organizations. They will create a Terms of Reference, continue with their original mandate (meeting monthly except in August and December), include public campaigns and community dialogues focused on anti-discrimination and cultural diversity awareness.
In these dialogues, we gather to discuss the different beliefs in a setting of goodwill and understanding. After COVID-19, we have the opportunity to expand our horizon and get a greater understanding for people and explore communities. Join us every third Wednesday of the month.
The boxes below show six set of themes: love, generosity, justice, forgiveness, courage and unity. These are the topics that will be discussed during our dialogues. We believe that these topics build on each other quite well, and they will help our families as well as communities thrive.
To learn more or to get involved, send us a message using the form on our Contact Us page.